

Welcome to the vibrant world of Chloe P’nina, your dedicated guide on a transformative journey towards a healthier, happier, and more empowered you!


A decade ago, Chloe walked a path familiar to many, but she emerged from it with a profound understanding of the power of nutrition and the resilience of the human spirit. Struggling with excess weight, plummeting self-confidence, and a body on the fast track to a lifetime of chronic disease, Chloe found herself trapped in a cycle of diets and calorie counting that ultimately led to nowhere.

But then, the turning point came. She discovered the reality of our food system, and suddenly, everything clicked into place. Chloe embarked on a journey to uncover the profound connection between food and health, driven by a desire to nourish her body with the nutrients it deserved. She craved health, life, and a vibrant existence.

The shift from dieting to embracing whole foods was revolutionary. Chloe's life underwent a remarkable transformation as she embraced a whole food, plant-based lifestyle. She shed over 60 pounds, banished chronic skin conditions that had plagued her for her entire life, bid farewell to fatigue and pain, and watched her total cholesterol drop by an astounding 100 points. Her mental health soared, her perspective evolved, and she learned to treat herself with the love and respect her body deserved.


Chloe's own journey, marked by trials and tribulations, sculpted her into the passionate advocate for health and wellness she is today. She discovered the potent tools we possess as a society to live not only free from disease but also to savor lives filled with joy, love, compassion, and harmony with our planet. Her mission became clear: to elevate healthy cuisine, unveil the deliciousness within nourishment, and catalyze positive, radical global change that begins on our plates.

Having experienced firsthand the healing potential of a whole food, plant-based lifestyle, Chloe has witnessed and facilitated incredible healing journeys in others. Heart disease reversal, Type 2 Diabetes reversal, and the remission of autoimmune diseases are just a few of the remarkable transformations she's witnessed through lifestyle interventions.

Chloe is honored to have collaborated with leaders in this movement, such as Dr. Fuhrman, Dr. Laurie Marbas, Dr. Scott Stoll, Anthony Masiello, Julie Piatt, and Rich Roll. Her passion is to equip you with the tools you need to reach your health goals and embark on your own incredible journey of transformation.



Chloe's mission is simple yet profound: to create and share flavorful food, recipes, and strategies that promote health and well-being, backed by the latest nutritional science.


Chloe remains on the cutting edge of nutritional science, ensuring that you fully nourish your body. For example, she dives into the fascinating world of cruciferous vegetables, revealing the incredible cancer-fighting properties of sulforaphane. Chloe teaches you how to harness the power of these vegetables through techniques like exposing them to air or adding raw cruciferous elements to your cooking. Join her in virtual or in-person cooking classes and catering events to unlock these culinary secrets and many more.



Chloe understands that the difference between saying "I can't have..." and "I don't want..." can be transformative in this lifestyle. Shifting your perspective regarding your food choices is a powerful tool for sustaining a healthy lifestyle change. Chloe shares her insights from eight years of experience, providing you with the tools to make sustainable changes and discover the ease, deliciousness, and fun in adopting a new perspective on food.

Join Chloe on this remarkable journey towards health and vitality. Let her empower you to embrace a whole new world of nourishment and wellness, where food becomes your ally on the path to a brighter, healthier future.